The Godfather: Part III is a rather underrated film. Many people cite it as a good film, however many also say it pales in comparison to the two earlier movies. Part III starts off with Michael at a church (the same one as in Part I) getting papal honors. After the ceremony, the viewers get to meet Michael's children, a nephew, and Joey Zasa. Joey doesn't like Vincent (the nephew) and sends two thug

sters after him in an attempt to kill him, which might have a little to do with an interesting scene involving Vincent biting off a chunk of Joey's ear.They fail or something. His son Anthony doesn't want to go into the family business (he sort of finds the idea repulsive) and wants to become an opera singer, which Michael doesn't really support. Michael tries to buy his way into the Vatican by offering help out with some of their debt in the form of $600,000,000. Michael calls a meeting for all the prominent mob bosses and declares himself "out" and forks over a bunch of money to the dudes that had shares in the casinos. Then a helicopter comes by and blows almost everyone away, Michael survives but has a stroke and is hospitalized. Eventually, he moves to Sicily where he re-marries and contemplates the meaning of life (his in particular). A dude hires a professional assassin to assassinate Michael. While they are watching the opera Anthony is in, Vincent's thugs assassinate the pope, an archbishop, a swiss banker, and Don Luchese. The professional assassin then makes his move and shoots Mary, then Vincent shoots him.

Francis Ford Copola's three godfather movies have a lot in common, but with several major differences. Part III is more intellectual, psychological, and subtle than the other two, wheras the

other two are a bit more in your face. One of my favorite things is how some rather unique death threats were made in the Godfather series. One of the most prominent being the prized racing horse head in the first movie. Another aspect of the Godfather movies is that although the third movie is made 18 years after the first one, all three could be watched in sequence and it would seem quite fluid and seemless, Coppola did a good job making it flow as sort of one story, though, all three movies could stand alone as individually being good movies.
The Godfather movies, all 9+ hours of it stand as some of the greatest movie goodness of all time, and will remain so for a long time to come.
I agree very much sir !
I also think he did a GRRREEAAAT job making the movies flow well with one another, surely resulting in many-a Godfather movie-a-marathon-o. It's pretty similar to the Star Wars series in that respect, especially since both series were finished decades after they began.
My favorite part was definitely that helicopter scene, as it was indeed pretty epic. And the way you described it made it sound kinda funny.
The relationship between Vince and Mary was kind of disgusting, though, don't you think? They're cousins, for chrissake.
All in all, though, I didn't think the third was as good as the first two movies. In my opinion, the first one was the best, and is definitely the most vivid in my memory. What did you guys think was the best out of the three?
That was a very interesting point about how the movies though they were made many years apart that you would never have known that by watching all of them one after another. The way this part goes it kind of seems to be the downfall of the family. As you start to see things fall apart thoughout the film.
you did a great job jared you know what when you talked about vincent biting off a piece of joey's ear i had a mental image of mike tyson. What you said about anthony not wanting to follow in michael's footsteps i kinda got a feeling of that in the second part in part2.
I thought the montage of those different people being ambushed and killed in many ways. Out of all of them the one by far that I found to be the weirdest was the one guy that got stabbed with his own glasses. I kind of had a laugh myself when that happened.
i agree peter that was a pretty hilarious way to kill somebody but it also fills me with unease as i 2 wear glasses you sick @$%& and like andeh said i liked parts one and two alot more than 3 just because it almost seems like a circle back with a semi elderly father trying to pass on the don-ship.
Yeah I agree with the general consensus here that parts one and two were superior. One thing though, Andeh, about how you said it was sort of like the star wars movies, is that the Godfather movies definately would flow a lot better than the Star Wars movies. You can clearly see the progression in technology and filming style throughout the Star Wars series. Not as much so in The Godfather.
Someone needs to respond so that I can comment on their comment.
you did a good job, but should've used the term thugsters at least 2 more times
Vince has made an excellent point. That words fits our main character(s) very well! It should have been used several more times than it actually was.
"I thought the montage of those different people being ambushed and killed in many ways."
I agree with what Peter has said here, whatever he means by it. I'm sure it was probably something worthwhile.
But yeah, I agree some of those were preeeettty disturbin', notably the one you mentioned about the guy getting pwnt by his own corrective lenses.
I whole heartedly disagree. Utilizing the word "thugsters" would dampen the effect and gravity of my post. "Thugster" is much too powerful and calamitous a word to be applied more than once. Moreover, thugster is not even a word, thus I believe it would be unwise employ such terms in a Language Arts class.
Now that that is done with, to contribute to the discussion I would like to say I like the thoughts Peter had on the montage of people being ambushed and killed in many ways.
Thugster's a heavy word javier, using it would increase the gravity of your post more than gravitaja +4
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